Friday, November 09, 2007

"Zang Dar", Nooshafarin

Nooshafarin is an Iranian-born pop singer and former actress, currently based in Los Angeles.
This is the video of Zang-é Dar (زنگ در), one of her latest songs. Somehow, I don't expect this video to be broadcast anytime soon on IRIB channels.

I find interesting that one of the icons of the Iranian (oops, Persian) diaspora in the US seems to have assimilated some of the most debatable aspects of the Western culture, including bleach blonde hair, zoom zoom music and ridiculously expensive mansions with perfect landscaping as a status symbol. If this is the model of society alternative to Ahmadinejad, I probably want neither of the two to win. Peroxide capitalism versus enghelab-é islami. Go figure.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Molto molto camp! E molto California.
Sicuramente estrema rispetto a tutto ciò che il termine iraniano mi fa venire in mente.
Un amico mio diceva sempre... quando uno fa il Californiano e non vive in California, rischia di sembrare ridicolo.

Tue Nov 13, 05:11:00 PM UTC  
Blogger Skylark said...

Aggiungerei solo che qualcuno rischia di sembrare ridicolo anche vivendo in California.

Thu Nov 15, 12:43:00 PM UTC  

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