Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Star Academy 4

Nawal Zoghbi performs Yama Alou on Star Academy 4, the famous emission broadcast by LBC.

على ناري يا حبيبي
بستنى كده و في قلبي كده
أشواق تملى الدﻨﻴﺎ بحالها

'Ala nari ya habibi
bastanna kedah wa fi 'elbi kedah
ashuaq tmalla al-dunya b'halha

(Libera versione italiana):
Ardo come il fuoco, amore mio,
al pensiero di aspettarti in questo modo, e il mio cuore
è così pieno di desiderio che riempirebbe il mondo intero.

This year, the emission was won by Iraqi contestant Shada Hassoon.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The Axis of good

The General Assembly of the United Nations voted on October 30 to lift the trade embargo and the economic sanctions unilaterally imposed by the USA on Cuba for nearly half a century.
For the sixteenth year in a row, the Assembly adopted a favourable resolution, this year with an overwhelming majority of 184 member states on a total of 192.
The Federated States of Micronesia (population: 108,500) abstained, while four member states voted against the resolution: Palau (population: 20,842), Marshall Islands (population: 61,963), the United States of America and Israel. The Axis of Good, I presume.